Mad, Beautiful Ideas
Palouse Code Camp Approaches

We're just under two weeks from the Code Camp event I've been helping organize, Palouse Code Camp. Currently, I'm planning to give two presentations, my Introduction to YUI3 talk I gave at Portland, updated for 3.2 and SimpleYUI. I'll also be doing an Advanced YUI3 session talking about module creation, Y.Base, and the Plugin system.

If you're planning to attend in Pullman, WA on September 18, go to our website and sign in via OpenID, it will automatically register you for the event. If you then want to give a presentation, you can simply submit it. Anything development related is fair game.

The website went up late last week, so we've got a limited number of sessions right now, but we hope to see you there, and we're sure we'll have plenty of exciting things coming soon.