Mad, Beautiful Ideas
My Reading List

I have become an enormous Google Reader addict. I'm currently working on a Google Reader widget that will publish my "Shared Items" on my sidebar, but until then, I figured I'd take this opportunity to share the blogs that I'm subscribed to that I really feel are worthwhile.


  • Holy Scrap Hot Springs is a homesteading group in Truth and Consequences, New Mexico. They are a group that works to grow their own food, and generate their own power, and building materials. A lot of cool stuff about Homesteading, and unlike a lot of homesteading material available today, these people don't really push the idea of living without modern communcation and computers, just about using less and being more responsbile about it.
  • Whittled Down is another homesteading blog, which I first went to for articles on cheesemaking, but I'm sticking around for articles on Chickens, and winter farming, and so on.
  • Ethicurean has been a really good source for me on Organic food news, as well a window into the issues that people in that world find really important, some of which I agree with, some of which I don't.


I've been really excited about Google's Android, and while I don't have an Android phone (yet), and I haven't done a ton of development for the platform yet, I'm still itchingly excited about it.

  • Google Android Blog this is mostly a news Aggregator, but I've found that they collect the important news from the other community sites. Between this and Engadget, I get all my android consumer news I really need.
  • Android Developers Blog is the official site from Google about developer related news for Android. If you're even considering developing for Android, and you aren't subscribed to this blog, you should be.


  • MAKE Magazine is the best blog to follow for DIY stuff, lots of information from the Magazine, and plenty of cool projects to do, as well as collecting awesome news from other sites.


  • The Simple Dollar has lots of good suggestions for cutting expensives and living cheaper. These run the gamut of DIY projects (like homemade soap), or how to negotiate cheaper bills. Good stuff.
  • Get Rich Slowly is similar to the Simple Dollar, but it focuses more on the actual financial side of the equation.


I don't have kids, and I don't plan to have kids for a while, but I am appalled by the way kids today are coddled, so I've begun following the other side of this debate.

  • FreeRangeKids is written by "America's Worst Mom" Lenore Skenazy, and chronicles some of the challenges she has from other people regarding the relative amount of freedom she chooses to give her son. It seems to me to be a really healthy perspective, and I am frankly appalled at some of the problems she has encountered.


I'm not going to do big descriptions here. I follow the blogs of the tech I use. Monologue, ScottGu, GitHub, John Resig, YUI, Phil Haack. However, for more general purpose disucssion, I've started reading Elegant Code because I've met several of the guys who write for it, but it's a bit too centered around Microsoft Tech (admittedly, I do use a lot of Microsoft tech at my current job), and Coding Horror but I'm starting to get over Jeff Atwood's opinion of himself.


  • Engadget is my source for gadget news. I'm not the gadget guy I used to be, but Engadget gets all the news I need in this respect.


  • The Art of Manliness seeks to update what it means to be a Gentleman in the modern world. And their stance is that it's not much different than it used to be. A lot of good articles.

There are a lot of other blogs in my Reader, including quite a bit of security stuff, but these are some of the shining stars, that I think would have some of the most universal appeal. I've become a major news-hound, so I'm always looking for new feeds, though I will admit I've become more selective over the last few months, as I found several feeds that were simply giving me the same information I already had elsewhere. If you're interested in news at all, I'd definitely suggest Google Reader, it's still the best RSS reader on the market that I've found.